Shiva Thapa who returned after a decade-long stay in South Korea is now engaged in commercial farming of ‘dragon fruit’.Hailing from Waling municipality-4, Ratnethumka, he returned to his village and used the skills he had learned abroad.”Although I worked in the construction sector in South Korea, I also gained experience by working in agricultural farms there during my leisure time”, he said, adding, “I returned to my native place and used the knowledge I have learned there for generating income”.He came to the village with a determination to cultivate dragon fruits and planted 300 saplings two years ago. At present, he has 1,000 saplings planted in five ropanis of land.
“It has been sold out in local market”, he said, adding, “Last year, I had sold one-and-a-half quintals from home”.He recounted that initially he had to explain about the fruits, especially the news ones, produced in his farm, but now it is being sold from home no sooner it is produced.He has been selling dragon fruit at Rs 500 per kilogram. He said he has not been able to supply the fruits as per the demand.
The Waling municipality has provided Rs 300,000 to Thapa, who started commercial farming at an investment of Rs 600,000. The ward office also provided assistance for irrigation, he said.He has also planted Korean greens and Chinese greens on the vacant land along with dragon fruit. “I have planted greens among the dragon fruit plants and the demand for them is very high”, he said, adding, “I have been earning Rs 100,000 by selling greens in three months”. He has also been commercially producing white leaves at the farm.”Agricultural products, including dragon fruit, are being supplied in nearby markets. Now I am thinking of expanding my business,” he said.