Nepal and Hong Kong are playing Friendly T20 cricket match today. During the match taking place in Hong Kong, Nepal opted to fielding first after winning the toss. Nepali National Men’s Cricket Team had left for Hong Kong on Thursday to play the Triangular T20 Series. The Triangular T20 Series is taking place between Nepal, Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea from tomorrow. Before this, Nepal is playing the friendly match with Hong Kong today. It will play its first match with Hong Kong tomorrow under the Triangular T20 Series while next game with Papua New Guinea on March 12. Similarly, the final match of the Triangular T20 series would be held on March 13. Rohit Paudel (Captain), Kushal Bhurtel, Binod Bhandari, Gulshan Jha, Sandeep Jora, Arif Sheikh, Bibek Yadav, Rashid Khan, Karan KC, Sagar Dhakal, Pratish GC, Lokesh Bam, Akash Chand and Abinash Bohora are in the Nepali team.