Police have arrested and made public a woman on the charge of fraud conducted online through ‘Fifia’ mobile App. Police arrested Dadiki Sherpa Rai, originally from Hatuwagadhi rural municipality-6 in Bhojpur district and currently residing at Tokha rural municipality-6 in Kathmandu, for defrauding over Rs 1.1 million from various people in the pretext of online betting. According to Rabindra Regmi, Spokesperson at the Kathmandu Valley Crime Investigation Office’s Spokesperson and Superintendent of Police, the arrest woman used to befriend people through social networking sites and encourage them to install Fifia App.
Thereafter, she would urge her friends to update their bio-data and other personal details such as bank related information. She would take them into confidence assuring that that the financial transaction done through same App was in consistent with the law of Nepal and defraud them, police investigation found out. The alleged woman found cheating on people by placing advertisements of online matches between various countries and luring them saying that if they bet, they will get profit within 90 minutes, it was revealed. Police have sent the arrested woman to District Police Office at Teku for further investigation and action on the charges of fraud and betting as per the prevailing law.